簡介:In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil- and gas-production in the North Sea…
帕梅拉·阿德龍,Jeff Bottoms,伊薇特·尼科爾·布朗,科雷西·克萊門斯,羅伯·德蘭尼,佐伊·達奇,科爾頓·鄧恩,斯凱勒·吉桑多,Peter S. Kim,約翰·雷吉扎莫,卡米拉·門德斯,Larry Owens,琳達·樸,比利·波特,本·施瓦茨,蒂莫西·西蒙斯,J·B·斯穆夫,雅布其·楊-懷特
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